The final and significantly envied attribute of the eagle is its ability to renew itself. The master designer of all things created and endowed the eagle with this tremendous asset to its life and existence.
Renewal ensures relevance and longevity.
Research shows that just as every other creature the eagle's feathers and beak become worn due to their usual activity. The eagle at this stage of its life will fly to a high secluded place where it will begin to pluck off its feathers and knock off its beak and wait for them to grow afresh.
We cannot help but appreciate that this time for the eagle is one of vulnerability. It can't defend itself or escape any enemies, it can't hunt to find food but, must endure this season until he can do all he wishes again. His security during the time of renewal is found in the height and remoteness of that solitary place. But it endures this vulnerable stage to ensure it remains an apex predator and enjoy an extended life in the fight.
Similarly, we have the ability to review and renew ourselves. The method ordained by God for our renewal is not much different from that of the eagle. We must go into our solitary place, strip ourselves of everything we held dear, as profitable in our lives and allow new ones, that are strong enough and not worn out and weak through the wear and tear associated with our daily lives, to grow on us. During this season, as the eagle is protected by God, so are we during those times of our lives.
God has designed us for renewal but, often times we do not engage in the activities necessary for such. Isaiah 40:31 says. “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint."
Waiting on God in the secret place is what renews us.
Wait in His presence today and develop fresh new assets to remain relevant and have a long life.
God we thank You. We thank You that You have built us as the eagle. That just as the eagle can renew itself, so we can renew ourselves. So Father I pray today that You would give us the wisdom. Give us the discipline Father to wait on our time. Protect us through this vulnerable time in our lives as we seek to renew ourselves. As we have been shut away, we come out strengthened, with new feathers and a new beak. We come out with a new lease on life, to serve You and to do great things for You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.